Friday, April 13, 2007

Playin' in the Yard (April 13th)

"I'm a happy dog. Happy, happy dog. Getting my picture taken--my favorite thing!"

Our new front entry. You can't see it in this picture, but I built two 'dry' stone walls. I am very proud of myself, and feel that my ability in this area is due to my Irish heritage. haha. ;)

"Down in the Vaaaal-ley, valley so low..."

"Chewing 'Nora's ball to pieces--My favorite thing!"

Poor Boo. Near tears, because she was playing 'Kick the Ball' with Mama, and now the game's over. She says, "Dose bad, bad dogs! Day ate my ball!"

Funny story:
Yesterday I took Annora to a great playground. She noticed that there were more clouds in the sky, and I mentioned that it looked like a storm might be blowing in later.
So she climbed up to the top of the main play set and screamed over and over, "Run for your lives! Da storm is comin' and gonna get you! Run for your lives! Da Storm is goin to rain all on you kids!" I had such a hard time getting her attention, and I turned about three shades of purple, until I noticed that none of the other kids (except one) were paying any attention. But all the moms were laughing. Boo was Sooooo serious, and concerned for the other kids. As far as she knew, she was risking her own safety to warn the others. Oh my goodness. lol

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